St Barnabas Church Joydens Wood

Tel: 07956596423
Email the Office



“Like all Church of England churches, safeguarding and safer recruitment are paramount.  The PCC are committed to ensuring that our church and hall are safe places for all who use them.

Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Eileen Hollingsworth. She can be contacted on 01322 525115.


If you would like to speak to someone from The Diocese of Rochester, please contact:

For more detailed information and guidance see the Parish Safeguarding Handbook. and click on safeguarding. Produced by the National Safeguarding Team, it is a comprehensive guide, summarising the key areas a parish need to address with regards to safeguarding.”


Lastly, if you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call 999 in the first instance.

Other useful helplines include:

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