St Barnabas Church Joydens Wood

Tel: 07956596423
Email the Office

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St Barnabas Church is the Church of England parish church serving the Joydens Wood & Bexley Park estates, between Bexley & Dartford. The parish straddles the London/Kent boundary. The church building is in Tile Kiln Lane, near the junction with Baldwyns Park. The postcode is DA5 2BB.

More About Us


St Barnabas Church was built to show the love of God to all. It aims to serve the community of Joydens Wood, and Bexley Park. We pray for all those who live and work in this area, and our clergy team are available at times of need or distress.

We meet on Sundays worship together and to support each other as we learn more about what it means to live as Christians in the modern world. Through the week, the church building in Tile Kiln Lane is used by the community, and there are other opportunities to meet together, meeting in each other’s homes.

St Barnabas Church, Joydens Wood is part of the Bexley Team partnering with the parish churches of St James, North Cray, St John's, Bexley & St Mary's Bexley.

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If you need to contact anyone from the church, please follow the guidance below:


For enquiries about weddings, funerals or baptisms:

Associate Priest Sue Twynam T: 07952468127

For party or church hall bookings:

Judy Walford T: 01322 383069

For church buildings or other church matters:

Churchwardens Barbara Stockbridge T:07956 596423

For safeguarding matters:

                   Currently this post is vacant.  If you wish to report a problem please contact the Rev Sue Twynam or the Church Warden.

                                 Alternatively you may wish to contact the Lead DiocesanSafeguarding Adviser on 07885 952174

Sunday Worship

1st Sunday of the Month

Holy Communion at 10.45am

2nd Sunday of the Month

All Age Holy Communion at 10.45am

3rd Sunday of the month

Holy Communion at 10.45am

4th Sunday of the month

Holy Communion at 10.45am

5th Sunday of the month

Holy Communion at 10.45am

Bexley Team

Contact Us

Get in touch with someone from St Barnabas Church

Children and Young People

What's on for Children and Young People in the Bexley Team?

Bexley Team Churches

Some information about our fellow churches in the Bexley Team

Barnabas Community

Contact Us

Get in touch with someone from St Barnabas Church

Children and Young People

What's on for Children and Young People in the Bexley Team?

Bexley Team Churches

Some information about our fellow churches in the Bexley Team


Our Parish Safeguarding Officer:  This position is currently vacant please see details of people you may contact if you require advice or help with a safeguarding problem.

If you would like to speak to someone from the Diocese of Rochester, please contact:

The Lead Safeguarding officer for the Diocese of Rochester is Greg Barry, and he can be contacted via:
T: 07585 952174 or E:

Also the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Caroline Smith, and she can be contacted via:

T:07768 036590 or E: 

Like all Church of England churches, safeguarding and safer recruitment are paramount.  The PCC are committed to ensuring that our church and hall are safe places for all who use them. For more information please see our Parish Safeguarding Policy on the Safeguarding link above.

Alternatively, visit safeguarding pages on our Diocesan website click on safeguarding. Produced by the National Safeguarding Team, it is a comprehensive guide, summarising the key areas a parish need to address with regards to safeguarding.”

However, if you or someone you are concerned about is in immediate danger, please call the police on 999.

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