St Barnabas Church meets each Sunday at 10.45am. This is an opportunity for the whole church family, of all ages, to gather together for worship. The service usually lasts about an hour, and there is an opportunity afterwards to chat over a cup of coffee. Normally the service is Holy Communion, the central worship service of the Christian Church. Baptised Christians from all traditions are welcome to receive the bread and wine of communion. Those who prefer may come to receive a prayer for God’s blessing.
Singing is a big part of the worship at St Barnabas and we're blessed to have musicians who lead us each week.
We have a creche room available with a sound system installed for those with young children who wish to use it. However, everyone is welcome to stay in the main church for the entire service (we don't mind any noise in the slightest!) and the creche is a resource for you to use, not an obligation.
Each month, on the second Sunday, our 10.45am service is an All Age Holy Communion, which means it will be a bit more informal and interactive.
We regularly gather with our local uniformed organisations for Parade Services at Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas, and Palm Sunday.
The mission statement of St Barnabas Church is 'Grounded in Love, Rooted in the Community'.
We have always been a church which is inclusive of everyone, and will continue to welcome all who wish to come and join in.